WordPress is one of the most widely used content management systems out there. For good reason ! It is easy to use, and offers thousands of plugins that provide functionality for a myriad of functionality from SEO to Ecommerce. There are thousands of developers continuously creating new functionality, most of it works great but sometimes not so good. We can offer one solid piece of advice. Read the Reviews !
People are very good at writing reviews, especially of products that don’t do what they advertise.
Where you host your WordPress site is one of the most important considerations. The host is the server where your content resides and the programs run that serve up your web pages. If you choose a host that doesn’t provide a solid solution, you may have to spend some bucks to move it. Due to its popularity, WordPress if occasionally a target for malicious frivolities, often bringing things to a standstill. Backing up your data frequently, everyday if possible, can mitigate any damage but frequent security scanning provides with early warning if you do become a target.
Our hosting solutions provide daily offsite backups and security scans. Prompt technical assistance is also available if needed. Talk to us, we’ll share what we know !
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